The IAM Veteran Services Program recently reported how the IAM Veteran Services Program has helped IAM members who are U.S. military veterans get the benefits they deserve.
IAM Veterans Services Coordinator Richard Evans leads the program, has helped members receive more than $500K in earned benefits, and helped increase the disability ratings for others.
Since April 1, 2022, when Evans was appointed to lead the program, the IAM Veterans Services Program has:
- Won back pay for veterans totaling more than $508,000.
- Increased the disability rating of 69 veterans to a total of 1,830%.
- Identified an error by the VA on a member’s 2016 disability claim and appealed it, resulting in more than $20,000 in back pay.
In 2023 alone, Evans helped 14 veterans close out their claims, receiving $47,014 in total back pay, a 340% total disability rating, and a collective monthly increase of $13,500.
“International President Martinez and the IAM Executive Council have prioritized veterans, allowing me the opportunity to improve veterans’ lives every day,” said Evans. “I am grateful for their fervent support in doing this job and getting our members the benefits and compensation they deserve.”
Through the IAM Veteran’s Services Program, Evans helps veterans correctly apply for VA benefits and compensation. He also offers aid and resources in education, employment, home loans, life insurance, pension, health care, and burial benefits.
“I deeply appreciate Brother Evans’ dedication and passion for helping our veterans,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “It is important for our union, which represents so many veterans, to assist those who served as much as we can. Rich has had tremendous success, and we will give him all the support he needs to grow this program and help more veteran members.”
The IAM Veterans Services Program’s mission is to ensure veteran members and their families are cared for and supported.
To find out more about IAM Veterans Services, visit iam4.me/VeteranServices.