Attention IAM Members! Register Now to Vote in the IAM’s U.S. Presidential Endorsement Election

Dear IAM Family,

The time has come again for our members to express your voice in who our union endorses for U.S. president. Your IAM Executive Council recently met and strongly supported continuing this process and ensuring that the IAM’s endorsement represents the will of the membership.

Beginning now, all U.S. IAM members in good standing can register to vote in the IAM’s U.S. presidential endorsement election at

After the registration process, every IAM member who registered will be given an opportunity to vote online for who should receive the union’s endorsement for president, regardless of political party. The IAM’s State Council Presidents will then vote between the top vote-getting candidates chosen by the membership from each party after the membership voting concludes.

Our great union represents working people from all walks of life, and our endorsement process reflects that diversity. Our endorsement process guarantees that all IAM members have a voice.

This work will help ensure that the candidate we endorse is committed to fighting for the interests of our members. I am also pleased that this process focuses on the most important issues facing our members, such as passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, Buy American, transportation, fair trade, defense funding, retirement security, healthcare, prescription drug costs and more.

So, please make sure your voice is heard and register to vote in the IAM’s endorsement process at